Community Art Cart
The Art Cart is currently resting at Sankalpa, check Sankalpa FB page for updates!
Individual Expressive Arts Therapy Session
By appointment
Each customized 1.5 hour session will include a private video dialogue about current issues you might want to address, and a combination of warm-up, expressive arts therapy directives and processing for take-aways. Long-term/regular appointments are also possible.
By appointment
For students, therapists and EXAT trainees, professional supervision to support growth and learning through ongoing work in settings (documentation of sessions are required at least 2 days prior to booking a 1-hr session). For therapists, teachers, professionals looking for advice on developing trauma-informed tools for their settings, a customized and creative dialogue will help address specific themes/needs.
2021: Integral Expressive Arts Therapy Training
(Dates/details TBA, you can apply here for next year’s program starting Aug 15).
A 6-month blended learning program available only to 12 participants (1 scholarship slot). This advanced course is for practicing therapists, counselors or teachers interested to develop tools and practices to further their work (not introductory level). Sustainable art kits, guided art journeys, and much more. Apply here to be considered and receive further details if you qualify.