TEDx Preparation 3: Art as a Mirror

Only two days before the next rigorous deadline for the finalized TEDx talk materials, I had the honor to meet Ajit Matthew George, the organizer of TEDx Wilmington. Having only a virtual contact online, and transitioning into my stay in Wilmington, DE, Ajit and I managed to finally find time in our schedules when I decided to combine worlds and invite him for a welcome dinner as part of my two-month artist residency. It was an evening of inspiring conversation and exchange with many professors and chairs of various departments at the University of Delaware. I also received brief but incredibly valuable feedback about my idea worth spreading.

It became clear that I am fortunate to be regularly surrounded by experts in very unique and interesting fields related to art, art therapy, psychology, anthropology, design, curation, cultural studies, women’s studies and similar niche areas. I take it for granted that everyone understands what art therapy is, and I honestly lost perspective as I am constantly answering questions about the basic definition of the field. I was craving depth in this sharing and got lost in developing a talk meant for a much smaller group of interested people.

Ajit helped me to zoom out and see the need to develop the message at a much more universal level, to define art therapy and to refine my strengths and weaknesses based on the draft video I had sent in earlier.

In a very intensive and time-sensitive process of restructuring, I completely reformatted my talk. I am grateful for this chance to improve my communication of an even more important message to not underestimate art. I found myself embodying the creativity I speak about through this latest round of changes.

I sit in a car somewhere between Delaware and Massachusetts and I am so grateful that technology allows me to share this update which includes a new title for my talk: Art as a Mirror.

The excitement continues, and what a journey it has been already!

Images: from #MySankalpa daily art and affirmation series on Instagram: @sankalpajourneys