In my own journey through exploring art, ritual and affirmation, I discovered the capacity to know and change myself through a regular and intentional art practice. Of a naturally rebellious nature, I threw discipline out of my scope of interest along with the stability it can provide. In more recent years and specifically the last 400+ days, I have cultivated a creative ritual entitled #MySankalpa.
In sharing my own personal practice of regular art and accompanying affirmations which carry the essence of the metaphor/message in the image - I found others who were interested to join a larger movement together. This generated a Facebook group by the MySankalpa name and a tag for sharing the practice across platforms. If you search this hashtag of #MySankalpa you can see the hundreds of images being shared from around the world!
This regularity, predictability and sense of agency help me to feel empowered and in deeper relation to my own life and viewpoint on reality. It has been a journey to find a conscious way to communicate both visually and with words in a way that is layered and meaningful, and most importantly, consistent. My current awareness is that it has helped me take responsibility for my creative voice, regardless of how others see it, and to tap into my source of resilience through all the ups and downs of life. I would love to hear how you experience it, please join us in the practice (links and guidelines below)!
Krupa Jhaveri
Compiled images from the beginning of my own journey with the MySankalpa practice. |
A space to connect through the daily practice of sharing an image and an affirmation with the tag #MySankalpa!
Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word which means intention, affirmation, willpower and determination. The combination of a creative act and a written goal or wish can be transformative.
Art is a mirror to the deeper self. Each image is a capture of that reflection, and can be a mandala or sacred circle, a photo, drawing or other form of visual art which speaks to you.
Please see ongoing examples below and a few tips:
• Messages can begin with:
#MySankalpa is I am...
#MySankalpa is we are...
#MySankalpa is I am...
#MySankalpa is we are...
• There is no right or wrong way of self-expression. Trust yourself and allow your creativity to flow!
• The daily ritual will foster growth, develop a compassionate commitment which works for you (others started with one week and continued).
• If you share first from Instagram or another platform, please share your image in this group. Optional tags to include after your message: #artasamirror #art #ritual #dailyaffirmation #spreadtheart
• Advertisements, inappropriate or disrespectful posts will be deleted.
Let this be a safe space to nurture meaningful self-expression for each of you, and a space to connect through your practice and may this bring more peace, healing, depth and connection in this world.
This practice was developed through art and art therapy experiments by the Sankalpa: Art Journeys effort based in Auroville, south India.
Happy creating!